Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The most loaded question I've been asked

Do you think you love yourself enough for someone to love you?

Wow, my fraternnity brother Erick just asked me this question and I don't have an answer just yet. Keeping in mind that I believe you have to love and embrace yourself before expecting anyone else to love you for who you are.

I wouldn't turn to someone to provide me with my internal happiness. The special people we find along the way are icing on the cake, they aren't and shouldn't be my pathway towards happiness. I have to be okay with myself, beyond that, I have to love myself and that's how people shine. That's how someone discovers you; when you're comfortable enough in your own skin, comfortable with who you are, when you love the you that you are...that's how you shine and that's how someone discovers you and vice versa. Sometimes that's how you find a connection with someone.

This is something I'll have to think about more carefully. How would you answer this question?


Adolfo Rodriguez said...

Good question. I guess I really don't have an answer. Its one of those questions that echo in the back of my head when I get ready in the morning in front of the mirror, but never even bother to answer. I have to say, there are moments in my life where I love myself enough, it doesn't matter if people love me or not. But then there are moments where I love myself enough, I feel people should like me for what I do and for who I am, if not love me for it, at least appreciate it. This can go in to deeper thoughts, but again, I have no official answer, and perhaps there may never be one.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a trite adage but it's true. You must be content at least with where you are in life before you can truly love someone. No motherfucker can fix that. It's fucking true.

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