Monday, April 7, 2008

Commissioner Flip in action

As some of you may know, I am a Commissioner for the City of Pasadena serving on the Human Relations Commission. It's been a grand experience thus far but now I feel the pressure of leading an immensely important project with the little experience I have. Chairing a committee isn't new to me but the dynamic is largely removed from those that I've previously handled because being an official City entity there is protocol that must be followed. Luckily I'm a resourceful person and I know how to manage various projects so I won't be approaching this undertaking so blind sighted.

I'll keep everyone posted on how things go but for now it's best to keep this under wraps for now. There are other projects I'd like to take on through this commission such as helping to establish or build-on a gay-alliance network for people in the public and private sector, creating a Commission internship program, establishing a hate crime victim's advocate, collaborate on youth initiatives with am emphasis on academic and leadership development, and lastly helping to ease the strained black-brown relations that seemed to gotten worse over time.

First thing's first, I want to make myself a sandwich-I'm hungry!


Adolfo Rodriguez said...

That is quite an agenda. Very impressive. I know you'll kick some ass! best luck to you.



Anonymous said...

Tell the black and brown kids that the reason why they hate eachother so much is the result of a lazy narrative that's trotted out from time-to-time, be it subversively or blatantly via the media or any other type of surrogate, that suggests that they're in direct competition with eachother and only eachother. In its obvious form it's a way for the blacks and browns to see the other as the rival whom they have to surpass in sports, at the job interview, etc, to make them feel better about themselves, but the real prize (coincidentally the less noticeable one that only benefits those responsible for the narrative anyway) is that it takes away the attention from what these two classes should be focusing on, which is the upper class, dominant establishment that I think is safe to say has nary a black or brown person among its membership. It also helps instill a sense of discouragement among the poorer classes that aids in allowing them to subconscoiusly resort to a certain job pool or degree of education and thus continues the ghettoization of these two ethnic groups in this country.

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