Monday, February 25, 2008


i don't know what's for writing it...or people taking the time to actually read it...-Name Withheld for Maturity Reasons

There are so many assholes out there and let's face it, these people are haters for no damn reason. How dare someone I thought was a friend criticize the intention of this blog which include some deeply personal thoughts. This isn't an easy thing to do, it takes a lot of balls for someone to put their thoughts out there for people to see knowing that you will be judged. I've made it clear that I'm no writer and that this blog is a means to express my perspective and share these thoughts with you. Already I've encountered my very first put down. He did it Out of love yeah right. Kiss my ass out of love! I assure you, it's nothing more than water off my back. Shit, if we all stopped our lives and passions just because someone disproves of the endeavors we've chosen to undertake, then we'd be weak and unaccomplished beings.

I feel comfortable with who I am and what I chose to put out there. If that makes me a geek, fag or loser then so be it. Oh yes, and if it appears I have a lot of time on my hands like this person also suggested, then maybe its true. I work hard, I'm involved with my community, I make time to hangout, support and party with my friends, and I know damn well I make a difference.

So I'll keep dancing and doing my thing like the little bumblebee girl in the Blind Melon No Rain video!

Rock on weirdos, geeks, outcasts and all you artists out there!


Anonymous said...

yes totally! Normal people worry me... Own your weirdness i do! :P

Anonymous said...

it should only really hurt if you respect the person at all. but if you don't or they're a non-entity chalk it up as a loss and move on.

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