It's time to talk about Alex. A little under 4 years ago I met an amazing guy who I instantly clicked with and eventually fell head over heals for. A student at Stanford, in my eyes, Alex had it all: good looks, amazing heart, intelligence and a great personality. We went out a couple of times but it didn't take long for us to decided on making things official. There was chemistry and there were fireworks! We a lot of laughs, but then we also fought...and fought...and fought. We're like minded in a lot of ways, both similarly stubborn, opinionated, and terribly reactive. I always held back with Alex because I was conscious that our summer romance would end once he headed back to Stanford while I'd be heading back to UCSB. I stopped trying because, well...in someways I wanted things to fail because I don't think I'd be able to handle a long distance relationship, especially if I were in love. He's such an amazing person, I'd never want him too far from me. It wouldn't be the 1st time I've sabotaged a relationship with someone. Things ended but I always knew we would be friends and that time has finally arrived.
Since 2004 there were sporadic moments of communication between us. He needed time and I understood that an immediate friendship wouldn't happen even if i tried to will it. A recent college graduate, Alex has moved back to Burbank we've been hanging out a lot. Going out to clubs was difficult at first because I would get jealous when he was approached by other guys but that quickly evaporated. We've become close and genuine friends. I love Alex, he's one of my best friends now and it's been sooo much fun hanging out at clubs, coffee shops and everywhere else in between. Our conversations are deep and we do turn to each other for guidance and advice. I especially turn to check out that huge bubble butt of his (its hard not to stare at it) I don't think he minds it just yet.
It's funny that he thinks so highly of my friends because the friends that have met him think equally highly of him. I do have a great circle of friends and Alex is finally where he belongs again, in my heart alongside my friends and family.
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Can i? ;)
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