Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hell of a Hike

My sanguis over exercise
Of course it's tough if you haven't hiked in years! A group of some friends and I joined the Pasadena Gayborhood monthly hiking event last month. The event took place in Glendale as Jorgie's motivation made me feel even more pumped about it. The enthusiasm was short lived, the morning was cold but as people started arriving it was like the more the merrier and it was a total upper.

Not even 15 minutes into the hike my ass was tired, in pain, and over it. Being younger than most of the crowd wasn't any kind of advantage because I was clearly out of shape especially in comparison to these professional hikers! The highlight of the day was enjoying the amazing view as we sat down to enjoy our lunch at the very end of the hike...or so we though....

Apparently the hike continued from the scenic view and it was our wrong to assume people were headed back to their cars. We wanted to take in the moment and our lunch! We felt like total losers after having sat for about half an hour to enjoy this scenic view and low and behold as we get to our cars we notice that the others had continued on an additional trailer.

Not my proudest moment but when was the last time you hiked? Alright then! In short, a great morning, Joel and Gerry got a little closer, Jorgie and I felt like old bitches, and Liz was pumped to go again even though she lagged more than the rest of us that day. Ain't it funny when we get so pumped about going again, if only we kept that motivation while we're actually doing it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


YES, that lunch time was the best i think. lol at our faces when we found out the hike con't

the ending was very *snap snap*
you know not that many have gone on a hike

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