Sunday, March 30, 2008
A Day with the Girls, I mean the Gammas

One of the highlights from Circus was hanging out with Alex and his fraternity brothers, the Gammas. NAKs and Gammas are the dominant Latino based fraternity's on the West Coast making us rivals to some degree because we're both relatively large while also being founded around the same time. Of course, this rivalry gets intensified at some chapters while others have a pretty good relationship. In the real world, it's important to embrace all people, especially if they've got a good head on their shoulders.
After Circus Alex and I joined his Fraternity brothers at the Gay Burrito off Santa Monica Blvd. I had a great time with them at Circus and the vibe continued while we ate. Of course I was teased for being a NAK but that's just because they don't know any better, ha ha. In all reality these guys were wonderful people having a really good time.
I'm not sure how this came to be, but they convinced Alex and I to crash at Beto's (UCLA) apartment so that we can continue drinking and go tanning the next day. Of course it sounds silly in retrospect considering the weather had been a little cold as of late but alas, they had me at more drinks.
We woke up the next day and these guys...oh man...they wanted to start taking shots! I don't take succesful shots but thanks to them I finally found my poison! I can take a shot of whiskey with ease! We must have taken 9 shots in a span of 2 hours, goodtimes! We got into some discussions on the Democratic Primary, gay marriage and God knows what else. We walked to a Mexican restaurant where Alex treated me to some nachos with chicken mmmmmmmm.
Soon after we returned to the apartment we decided to head to the beach, I was the most sober to drive and so we headed to Santa Monica which was only about a minute drive away. The beach was fun and even snuck in a few shots while we were tanning. Jose (UCSD) and Alex got into the water which was way to cold for me so I joined Juan (Cal State LA) and Beto on land. in the hour and a half we were there I was able to get a light tan but I wanted a bit more color mostly because I was inspired by my friend Mikey who just got himself a great tan at the beach just one week before.
Upon returning to the apartment, we settled down to watch Aladdin, only Jose was able to stay up through the whole thing. We ordered pizza too! I haven't had pizza in months, thanks guys! I was drunk and hungover by 8pm, I couldn't take it. I felt miserable and was not up for another night of partying. After a much needed nap, I drove Alex home and headed home.
Hanging out with them kept NAK on my mind. Their interaction reminded me of the fun times that I've had with my own fraternity brothers. A big thanks to you gentlemen for a great time, you guys are quality people.
Alex's Birthday Night

Cobras and Matadors, The Abbey and Circus
This past Friday we celebrated Alex's birthday. The night started out with some great conversation over dinner at Cobras & Matadors in Los Angeles. I met some great people, including Saski who comes of extremely positive and full of life.
The night took a turn for the worst when a couple more of Alex's friends showed up. The restaurant wasn't booked to capacity yet made no effort to find us a bigger table to seat us all. The main reason that Alex chose that restaurant was because you can bring in your own alcohol; the only option left was to sit at the tables outside which is also the one place in the establishment where we couldn't drink the alcohol we brought. Bitches.
The service was awful, the quality of the food wasn't that great and I don't see myself going back there anytime soon.
We headed out to the Abbey for some light pre-party drinks. The plan was to head to Circus for soome dancing and drinks. The Abbey is always fun and people seemed to be enjoying themselves a lot but I was eager to get to Circus, being that it's my favorite club in LA.
Circus was fun! I ran into Alberto, I hadn't seen him since New Year's eve! The 818 Crew was there and they're always fun. There's some weird vibe between Danny and I. We didn't have any kind of falling out or anything, we just stopped talking and I'm playing that by ear but alas, no everyone, I don't have anything against Danny.
The Gammas were representing in full effect! Juan, Jose, Beto and Tony were there and uniquely representing a different chapter. I love networking and it's always fun to run into people who have had a similar experience. When I first met Tony he came off as standoffish but in getting to know him over a short while, he's just more quiet than others and so far a pretty good guy.
Timing is everything and last night was a perfect example. There's some weird friendship dynamic that Alex has with some people close to him. Tears were shed that night and not out of happiness. Everyone is protective about Alex including myself and despite the futile attempts to break him free of a confrontation he was having with a friend, Alex would not budge.
The night was saved however! Brotherhood really is strong with Alex. The Gammas salvaged the night by inviting Alex and I to the Gay Burrito. The night didn't end there. Apparently we made improvised plans for us to go tanning. Goodness, we're dorks.
To be continued...
Working it out!

One of my goals for 2008 was to get healthy. Motivation can be tough to find...wait, no there's plenty of motivation around but it still hasn't been enough to get my butt to do something about it. It took me a couple of months into the new year before actually attempting anything, but here I am! I stepped it up with some supplements, drinking more water and hitting the gym at least 4 times a week.
Thanks to 24 Hour Fitness, I'm already seeing changes and I feel great! Kudos to me!
Honor Pac @ Club Cobra

A couple of weekends ago I served as part of the host committee for Honor Pac's (a political action coalition for gay Latinos) latest fundraiser held at Club Cobra. Javier Angulo, an old college buddy of mine was in charge of putting on this event and his hard work paid off. I was surprised by just how many people showed up to the event, I can't believe how supportive my friends were, then again, that's why I love them so much.
So many friends showed up and lots of money was raised for an organization I stand behind. Mikey and that fine ass friend of his Freddy showed up, both had fun from what I remember, ha ha. Major snaps to Carlos and Nelson for picking up Adolfo. A few of us headed to some diner that Alex recommended to quench the after party munchies, thanks for keeping us company Nelson!
Congratulations to Eduardo for winning the $40 bar tab! I knew you could do it!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
It's time
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Negative = Positive

It's done! Finally, I closed a dark chapter in my life and at the same time unlocked my freedom. I'm walking through life with my eyes open as if I'd been in a slumber for the last few months.
I'm approaching the people around me quite differently. I keep thinking about the relationships I have with people around me. While I've arrive at the realization that some I want to improve on, others die out, not because I don't care, but because of growing pains, growing apart and ultimately the consequences of adulthood's complexities. There are things I can't control. I can however let people know I love and miss them. Sometimes that along makes all the difference in the world.
I've given myself the authority to be free and be me. For me, that's more precious than the illusions I set myself up to believe. Life is great!
Hillary on HIV/AIDS
"Although all leading presidential candidates were invited, Clinton was the only one to show up for the annual Global Summit on AIDS and the Church. She delivered a bipartisan message that emphasized the role of the church in addressing AIDS."
Full text of Hillary's speech. h/view/?id=4455
Where's Obama in all of this? What has he done? The choice is clear.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Time to Buy Hillary Clinton

Time to Buy Hillary Clinton
By John McIntyreThree reasons why it may be wise to become bullish on Senator Clinton becoming the next U.S. President.
1) Senator Obama's "problem" in regards to his long-time pastor is a real issue. Brian Ross' report Thursday on Good Morning America, and more importantly the surfacing of the incendiary video(s), make this an explosive subject that will not go quietly away.
2) The very serious meltdown in the financial markets is likely to focus the country's attention on the health, stability and future of the American economy. Fairly or unfairly, Senator Clinton will benefit from her association with Bill Clinton's administration in the prosperous Nineties, and that perceived experience on the economy will stand in stark contrast to Senator Obama's dearth of experience.
3) The mostly unnoticed switch of Puerto Rico from a caucus on June 7 to a primary on June 1, gives Hillary Clinton a very real opportunity to surpass Barack Obama in the popular vote count. If Senator Clinton can "win" the popular vote, this will provide undecided superdelegates ample rationale to go with the less risky general election option of Senator Clinton.
Currently on Intrade Senator Clinton's odds to become the next president stand at 17.9%, down from a 2008 high of 47.5% on January 22. With Senator Obama unlikely to win another primary until May, it is time to be buying Hillary Clinton.
The Spot: Ideal Testing Location

Free HIV and STD testing at the Spot
The Spot is an HIV and STD testing center providing examinations to everyone at no cost. They're operated through the L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center is conveniently located at the heart of the West Hollywood Bar scene. They offer free and very thorough examinations in a walk-in basis. Make a day out of it by getting tested and following it up with some drinks with your friends!
1743 N. San Vicente (right at Santa Monica Blvd.)
Phone: 323-993-7440
Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 1-7 p.m.

Gettin' Tested is Easy!
STEP ONE Grab some friends for moral support!

STEP TWO Walk-in

STEP THREE Take the tests

STEP FOUR Brush up on safe practices

STEP FIVE Get your results and your friends

STEP SIX Grab a beer!

Getting tested is a deeply personal experience. I chose to share the experience with two of my closest friends. Alex and Rosa made the experience easier on my nerves, especially as I discussed with them reasons for why I wanted to get tested in the first place. After I got my results we walked over to Fiesta Cantina for some drinks and cheese fries.
I urge you to find a local testing center near you, grab a few friends, get tested together and be there for one another right after you pick up your results and of course making it a great day by getting drunk!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Obama is No Leader,
Case in Point: MI & FL

Hillary Clinton wants the voices of the people in FL and MI to be heard. She believes that the results of the already held primaries should count or that a new election to supersede the previous result.
In Florida it was the Republican controlled legislature under a Republican Governor that moved up the election, not the people of the state.
Obama wants people to abide by the rules that the DNC had set. The answer is obvious. Rules are important to every society but not every rule is just and we must be conscious to what their intention are.
At one time it was rules that prevented blacks, women from voting. It was rules that prevented women from legally getting abortions. It took great leaders like Susan B. Anthony and Martin Luther King to standup against the establishment against to fight rules that went against the values this country was founded on.
A presidential nominee’s failure to disregard this injustice and disenfranchise millions of voters in order to gain every advantage possible in order to pursue his own political agenda is not leadership, it’s not democratic, it’s not America, and it’s not hope.
Our constitution is amendable and so should some rules in this country, especially if they aren’t just. One would imagine a candidate such as Obama who sells himself on being a candidate of change and a candidate of the people to be at the forefront speaking out against what is happening to the people’s voices in Florida and Michigan.
As an African-American, Obama should be sensitive to the historical roots that prevented his own people from actively participating in the democratic system. Obama often references the accomplishments of leaders like King and sometimes even compares his movement to King’s. Is Obama campaign honoring the life of King and his movement? How does he explain this to the millions of African-Americans and millions of other Americans living in these states? Or is this the kind of hope through politics we can expect from an Obama Presidency?
Just my thoughts,
Felipe O. Infante
HIV/STD Testing

It's that time of the year again to walk into a cold room to get screened for HIV and STDs. The routine is similar but honestly it doesn't get any easier with age, each check up is just as if not scarier than the last. The prominent AIDS activism and awareness that was so string in the 80's and 90's is all but vanished. I think people seem to talk less and less about HIV and getting testing tested because HIV/AIDS isn't as fatal as it once was. Despite the advancements in modern medicine the virus is no friend of the immune system. Everyone must realize that one night of careless fun does not outweigh living the rest of your life with a the disease.
I'm not scared of getting tested, I'm scared of the results...but it's something I have to do for myself. I love having fun but I love myself more and to me. I'm priceless.
I urge you all to grab a buddy and get tested together. Bringing back this consciousness is crucial in changing the mindset of HIV and the global community is affects. If you aren;t comfortable with anyone knowing that you're being tested then take an anonymous test. Remember, most tests are free so there's no reason why you shouldn't get it done.
The L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center offers free HIV/STD Testing, click link for more details.
If you don't live in the L.A. area then just run a simple google search to find the nearest testing center in your area.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Honor y Sabor

Honor-Pac, a Political Action Coalition comprised of Gay Latino Men, invite you to
Honor y Sabor
Friday, March 14
Club Cobra
10937 Burbank Blvd.
North Hollywood, Ca.
Bring your friends and enjoy the music, dancing, raffles, giveaways, sexy go-go dancers, and wonderful drinks, what else do you need?! See you there!
Hell of a Hike

Of course it's tough if you haven't hiked in years! A group of some friends and I joined the Pasadena Gayborhood monthly hiking event last month. The event took place in Glendale as Jorgie's motivation made me feel even more pumped about it. The enthusiasm was short lived, the morning was cold but as people started arriving it was like the more the merrier and it was a total upper.
Not even 15 minutes into the hike my ass was tired, in pain, and over it. Being younger than most of the crowd wasn't any kind of advantage because I was clearly out of shape especially in comparison to these professional hikers! The highlight of the day was enjoying the amazing view as we sat down to enjoy our lunch at the very end of the hike...or so we though....
Apparently the hike continued from the scenic view and it was our wrong to assume people were headed back to their cars. We wanted to take in the moment and our lunch! We felt like total losers after having sat for about half an hour to enjoy this scenic view and low and behold as we get to our cars we notice that the others had continued on an additional trailer.
Not my proudest moment but when was the last time you hiked? Alright then! In short, a great morning, Joel and Gerry got a little closer, Jorgie and I felt like old bitches, and Liz was pumped to go again even though she lagged more than the rest of us that day. Ain't it funny when we get so pumped about going again, if only we kept that motivation while we're actually doing it.
A Plan B comeback?

Dedan paid me a call, early on the conversation was headed into acting like everything was okay when it clearly wasn't. I made my feelings clear and he was receptive to my words. He's not the type of person who would intentionally hurt someone's feelings, but I do think that he is careless about some friendships. In fact, I tried inviting him out for drinks sometime next week knowing that he was expecting friends from out of town this weekend, and of course...he said maybe, opting for doing a weekend of nothing so he can recover. Has nothing changed? I thought he understood. I thought he already recovered. Am I going to be put on the back burner subjected to his mundane excuses of already having plans, tending to his friends, going out of town, or needing to take a weekend off so he can recover from life?
I ended the conversation by challenging him to follow up with the drinks thing if he really did want to be friends. I refuse and won't be a stand by friend to anyone. I would love to keep Dedan as a friend, but if it's not meant to be there's no reason to force it. We're both grown enough to realize that we don't need to be clutter in each other's lives.
It looks bleak but if Hillary can make a comeback then why not Plan B?
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Whatever you're into...
Whatever you're into, protect yourself.
Have safe and have fun. Protect yourself.
These videos are French public service announcements carrying an important message in a funny and enjoyable way. I hope you watch and take their content to heart.
My family has grown!

Kudos to the Mighty Mighty Zeta Chapter as the actives welcomed a new class of men to our distinguished line of brotherhood.
What an amazing ride it's been for them and I'm sure the memories they'll create through NAK from now on are moments they'll keep with them for the rest of their lives.
Welcome Omicron Class!
Fun fun fun at Circus
Cobra was an just okay, definitely a good place to pre-party but certainly not a place to meet people, dance and enjoy the luxury of after hours. Shortly after Cortez and the crew consisting of Freddy, Anthony, Peter, and a couple of their other friends, we opted out of Cobra for Circus. Mike's buddies soon followed of course, we did our best to try to convince and thank goodness because last week at Cobra just wasn't as much fun as I had hoped it would be.
Circus was so much fun! From the minute we got there I saw so many familiar faces, Steve, James, Marty, J'hon, Teo, Tony and so many others. It still weird as hell just how interconnected we all are. We're bound by current and former friendships, ex-loves, hook-ups, acquaintances and various other situations that should for common decency not be detailed, ha ha!
I was trashed but I did get to have a heart to heart with Chris, Cam's former roommate. I'm not sure if I'm ready to describe what was spoken of, but I misjudged him. I kind of feel like Hillary Clinton's whole voting for the war deal. Hillary made her judgment based on the intelligence information that Bush and the UK had provided. Who could ever imagine a president manipulating national security intelligence to advance his personal political agenda? Of course, I judged Chris based on the fucked up things the asshole would say about him, but alas...I'm glad I got to finally understand Chris.
I'm a hardcore Hillary supporter but I didn't know just how profound my support is. It's actually kind of scary. You have no idea how many conversations/arguments I got into with of course, me initiation the conversation with "Are you on Team Hillary or Team Obama?" ha ha! I'd like to apologize to Estuardo's friend whom I totally got irate with.
Freddy and I always tease Mike about what a big bottom he is. Luckily for Mike, I'm glad the guy he's seeing hasn't sat on his face because THAT would be the end of him! But I guess if you have to go, it's better than it's quick although perhaps not as clean as I'd imagine. More drinks and many conversations latter it was time to go. I had an interesting encounter with Marty, I think we may be headed to a recovery. It was great seeing Mike D! I love that guy, I can't wait to hang out with him some more.
I ended up taking a much needed cat nap at Adolfo's place and wow! He has the best apartment ever, I totally dig it! I just may be spending more lounge time there if he ever needs company.
Friday, March 7, 2008
The Gemini

Life's tests are but a preparation for tomorrow's challenges. Though I've conquered many of those challenges, I didn't come to be victorious without casualties motivated by my envious, prideful and largely weak self. Intensity rises and I reacted. My innate response to conquer knows not the difference between friend or foe. I recoil, my will blurs these lines which exist in a deep gray area that yields in my favor for this amorphous pool results in an opportunity to strike...
I am infamous for destruction of happiness and our relationship. I am vulgar. Some choices I made out of survival and pride; deep within there exists a dark spot in my soul that I fear may be with be for the rest of my life. Sometimes I hate myself. There has to be a way to redeem myself but even if so, things won't ever be the same. My deepest condolences to you, the victim of your foolish good heart as it walked through the path of my destruction.
Victimized by my deception, my own soul remains a slave to these moments that define who I am. Life's daily struggles bare witness to a war placing my demons against the inner man who knows good but seldom practices it. With my salvation at stake, I rise to face endless hours of this epic battle to free myself from the chains of who I was and worse, who I am terrified to be.